Forty for Forty!

In 1975, oil was approximately $7.75 per barrel, the average cost of a gallon of gas was 44 cents, bell bottoms and platform shoes were all the rage, disco music was beginning to rock the night away and President Gerald Ford was in Midland to celebrate the grand opening of a new museum.

On September 13, 2015 the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum officially celebrates her 40th Birthday! The Petroleum Museum has been educating, inspiring, and entertaining visitors from around the world for forty years. You can help us commemorate this momentous occasion by contributing at least $40 to honor her 40th year.

Click here to donate!

All monies will be placed in the Museum’s permanent endowment fund ensuring the next 40 years and beyond. Your 40 for 40 gift will make a distinct difference in the Petroleum Museum’s ability to continue its mission of offering a memorable and educational experience by sharing the petroleum and energy story and its impact on our lives.

All contributions are tax deductible.

Click to view more information or for a printable reply card.

Contact Luanne Thornton at 432-742-7464 or if you have any questions.