Make a Difference by Supporting the Museum!

The numbers say it all! Take a look below to see what your support has meant to the community, state and beyond. You have continued the legacy of the Petroleum Museum.

Help us continue the tradition! Your donation may be designated for a specific program, or it may be a gift available for meeting the Museum’s most pressing needs. If you choose to donate privately, check for matching funds through your employer. We are dedicated to preserving our cultural history, promoting science education and serving as an advocate for the petroleum industry. We hope you will join us in this unique and important m1ss1on.

Best wishes to you and your family this holiday season.

With deepest gratitude,

The Staff & Board of the Petroleum Museum


If you would like to donate online please use the donate button below:


The Petroleum Museum is an educational 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

If you would like to contribute by mail or in person, contact Luanne Thornton, Director of Development at 432-742-7464 or by email.